
Showing posts from June, 2019

Food for thought in New York

As a growing in-house agency, we are willing to travel far and wide to keep up to date with the latest in the digital world, which is why we sent our Data Science lead, Chris, and Senior Data Scientist, Jon, to The Big Apple for a whole 51 hours! Chris shares with us his insights from the ‘New York R Conference’ and more importantly, the all-American lunch menu. “Senior Data Scientist, Jon Stott, and I had the chance to travel to New York in May to attend the New York R Conference. As Data Scientists, R is a statistical programming language we use for much of our work here at MAG-O and having the opportunity to get involved with the event allowed us to get up close (and personal) with some of the leading lights of the #rstats community. After arriving at the Conference, we were met with quite the array of food. The variety and quality, with a particular focus on traditional New Yorker cuisine, was definitely one of the best things about the whole event! A